MABT Update Sept 5

It’s certainly been a lively time for the TWG2 team during the summer holidays. We’ve been digging into a wide variety of topics that include root cause analysis, the Club’s revenue and expenditure projections for the next few years, F&B, strategy and governance issues, outsourcing opportunities, and benchmarks for compensation. We’ve also made a pretty significant contribution to the Traders’ Bar balance sheet!

Some of our members have been active participants in discussions with the Club’s committees, including Finance, Compensation, F&B, Membership, House and others. Special thanks to the Committee chairs and BoG for their cooperation in this process. And similarly, thanks to those of you who have taken the trouble to give us your ideas and opinions these last few months. TWG2 sees the membership as its constituency, and we’re focused on delivering outcomes that ensure the Club meets and exceeds your expectations.

We’d also like to recognize the effort put in by the management and staff in backing us up – we’ve been asking some pretty difficult questions and sticking our noses into every aspect of the Club’s operations, and it’s gratifying to see the positive way in which people are responding to the need for change.

It’s interesting to note that we’re not the only private members club facing these sort of challenges right now. That makes our work, and your support, even more important as we deal with a much more competitive environment going forward. Our goal is to make sure that TAC is well-placed to thrive over the next three to five years, by delivering on a unique lifestyle and community proposition that just can’t be beat!

We’d like the chance to report back to members and get feedback before submitting our final report, and are planning a town hall meeting later in the month for that specific purpose. Please support us – and your Club – by coming along and letting us know what you think.

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