As the management of the American Club has apparently managed the TAC to the brink of financial failure, a group of 4 TAC members teamed up with 4 TAC board of governors. This group was named ‘The Working Group 2” or TWG2.
This TWG2 presented their recommendations for how to fix the problems of the TAC. They were very candid about what needed to be done. Following their presentation, when asked if they “were confident that their recommended changes would be implemented?”. the group unanimously responded “No”. They responded on how getting information was slow and painful at TAC.
It was apparent to all present that there was a split between TWG2’s recommendations and some members on the board. Although the positions of all the BoG (board of governors) was unclear, one board member made clear that he was against their recommendations in several instances. In one case, he responded that the loan could not be renegotiated. When asked by another member, he revealed that he was the one who negotiated the loan at 4 plus % interest for the club but did not clarify why he was unwilling to renegotiate and his position varied from that of the 4 TWG2 members.
The overall conclusion was that the problem of the club is not just an inept general manager playing the committee and board system, but also some individuals on the board of governors. There are definitely some good people there, but there are also some people that need to move on.
A recommendation was made, and accepted by the President, to have a further meeting for the Board of Governor candidates to debate or state their positions as being for change or of the group that would continue the status quo and continue to block change and not make the changes necessary.
An American Chamber of Commerce (ACCJ) board member asked the General Manager if he paid for the development of yet another new TAC site that was described earlier in the meeting. With a bit of stumbling around saying something about a ‘backend’ the GM confirmed that he did use budget to develop a new website. The member went on to explain that the TAC must shift their thinking. “The paradigm must change” he stated. He illustrated his points by explaining how at ACCJ he paid nothing for web development, the chamber magazine, the upkeep of the website or virtually anything else. This comment was a brilliant illustration that TAC needs people with fresh minds.
Although we have not covered all the questions and comments of the membership in this summary, the conclusion we made from all that we need to rid the club of blockers on the board of governors and elect people who are willing to implement the changes. One BoG member (mentioned above) seemed to indict himself at the meeting as being against change later on multiple points. Later arguing with the TWG2 members about providing information that the 4 clearly stated they had not received. The positions of the other BOG members and BOG candidates for the upcoming election remains unclear at this point.
The great work of the 4 board of governors and the TWG2 made it known that their work must be implemented otherwise we will have to continue “these
If you have any comments or would like to add any further points, please feel free to do so in the comment section below. We will edit this summary accordingly to incorporate your comments.
Stay tuned!