The New Tokyo American Club Opens

The New American club opened today.  2010 was a year where members really got a chance to say what they thought.  There was a sense of transparency that prevailed and the common feeling was- no more baloney.  Whether you are a board of governor, a committee member or a general member, you need to be candid, clear, and honest.

We learned a lot about the positives and negatives of the club operation.  We will prepare a summary of what we learned for everyone to review on this site.

In the meantime, the new Tokyo American Club is open. Maybe you walked through, used the gym, the pool, or ate at the restaurant.  What do think of the new TAC?  Leave comments on below and we’ll make sure that the items of common interest will be addressed.

-MABT (Making A Better TAC)

PLEASE leave your comments on the new Tokyo American Club facility below.

Election Results

Well, we hoped our suggestions helped you with the elections.  We will post the results here on the MABT site as soon as they are announced.

Coming soon..

People Love The Tokyo American Club!

Great to see everyone coming to the website.  We’re looking for more constructive comments!

Yesterday we had 142 visitors visit  Not the top day, but a good showing.

Please give ideas on

1) How to better govern the club and keep our board engaged with members requests

2) Have a meaningful committee system or maybe throw that out all together and do something new

3) Better service our membership

If you have a good idea, post it as a comment below here and we’ll make the comment into a post so others can see it.

We’re also working on adding some survey features to the website.  All the work being done by a number of your fellow members.  What’s the cost to the club?  NOTHING!

We are investing in having not only a great building, but a great club which isn’t the building, it’s the people!

TAC Elections: US Citizens: Recommendations

It’s time to turn our attention to the US Citizen candidates … now comes the fun!

[Naturally, all the opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views of TAC or (obviously) the candidates! There is no intent to offend.]

Here’s our quick take on people you should consider voting for:

Nominee:Greg LyonsBrian NelsonCharles Rees

Yeah, baby!

Yeah, baby!

Yeah, baby!

Principal says …Works hard in class, and contributes well to extra-curricular activities.Brian takes unconventional approaches, but gets above-average results.Charles is a quiet boy, with much to commend him.
Wagtail Comment:Greg has been impressive on the Finance Committee, and is a strong advocate of change. Seems to get the need for strategy as well. Not afraid to stand up to the bullies or the power structure.
That’s good enough for us! 
Brian was a member of TWG1 and TWG2, and is all about getting change at our Club. Knows what the issues are, and is a contributor rather than an observer. Brian follows through on commitments, and doesn’t play politics. Sounds like the ideal candidate!We’re told Charles has been a go-to person on the Finance Committee, and as a former controller he should know where the bodies are buried. A good thing, … maybe … we think … perhaps.
Charles: What do you think now that you’ve kicked the tyres?
One-Liner:Power to the people!As Hawaiian as Barack Obama!Go for it Charles!

The TAC Voters’ Packets Have Arrived

The Voter packets have arrived from the Tokyo American Club.  You should have them in your mailbox when you get home this evening we hear.

Back at you shortly with our recommendations for who we think would be the best board members.  There are some 3,000 members and there are nearly 100 of us going through this to get backgrounds on the candidates from former coworkers, suppliers, other board members, classmates, and all sorts of others.  We’re looking at the candidates who-

1) Are more keen to work in the interest of the club membership

2) Good communicators with transparency to the decision-making process

3) Have a good reputation in the community, business, and around the TAC.

Back at you shortly!

Thanks for your patience as MABT is a team of volunteers with a passion to build a better Tokyo American Club like you!

Around The TAC- TAC General Manager Contract Renewed

One of the MABT has confirmed that the contract for the General Manager has just been renewed.  This was done by the Board of Governors.  He continues to draw his high salary that has been the subject of much frustration among the membership despite the economic difficulties of the TAC.

Further, the Food & Beverage manager has tendered his resignation and will be leaving the Tokyo American Club in coming weeks.  The Assistant General Manager is now looking after F&B.

What Needs To Be Discussed At Wednesday’s Townhall

“So what are the issues we need to discuss at the Town Hall this week? Strangely enough, it’s a little more complex than it first appears.

1. What progress, if any, has been made since the last Town Hall meeting? Judging by the announcement, “management and leadership” seem like they think they have everything under control. Strange that TWG2 seems to have been left out. That’s scary: these are the people that got us into this mess in the first place, and it’s highly unlikely that they possess the wherewithal to get us out. We need to make sure that they understand the deep concern that many members have about the future of the Club, and the best way to make sure that happens is that you come along and make your feelings known.
2. What has happened to TWG2? We have all heard here and there about the recommendations they have made so far, but the consensus around the Club is that – at best – they’re being sidelined, and at worst ignored. That’s not a comment on the individuals involved, but rather a reflection on the way that the status quo makes every possible effort to protect itself. The Town Hall should offer us the chance to hear what they have to say, without censorship and self-serving obfuscation by BoG and management.
3. What’s happening with management? Rumors abound that some contracts are being renewed, and others thrown out the window through inaction. By any stretch of even the most fevered imagination, 10 executives on high salaries with no accountability for results means we’re paying too much for way too little. At the very least, the BoG should use the Town Hall to present a series of options for a way forward. Otherwise we’ll have to make our opinions known via the upcoming elections! We should also be asking for a complete review of staffing (how about showing an org chart?) and an objective look at outsourcing.
4. Talking about outsourcing, where are we at with proposals to outsource certain functions like IT, Engineering, F&B etc? The Traders Bar Tattletale says that management reckons they’ve “looked at this before, and it doesn’t make sense”. Sure it doesn’t, if you’re trying to protect your job! But the market realities say something completely different, and many of our companies have already done BPO and Service outsourcing succussfully. If you have some experience in this area, why don’t you come along and share your view on how to do it right!
5. What’s the story on Governance? The gossip mill is running hot that the BoG is working on a new governance set-up … it beggars belief that it chooses (1) to do this behind closed doors, and (2) doesn’t take advantage of technology to make sure that it interacts with the membership to get consensus rather than act by fiat. The Town Hall represents your chance to tell people that you are interested in the results of these discussions, that you’re “mad as hell”, and that you demand a more contemporary way of making decisions at our Club.

6. What about that loan? If you’ve ever gotten a loan in Japan, you would wonder why the club is borrowing money at 4+% interest rates from a foreign lender.  Japan is the land of 1% loans.  We need to see action on renegotiating this loan for the new club immediately.  We hear that after 20 years TAC will still have not paid down the principle of the loan.  Put aside the tommyrot and let’s get this fixed.
7. Finally, what’s happening on branding, and marketing the Club to new members? Those in the know say that this effort has been deliberately railroaded as well, and pushed off to a committee (sigh!) that has met a grand total of … one time. Let’s face it, competition for recreation dollars is pretty tough in Tokyo and it needs a real professional effort if we’re going to attract new members and customers for the banqueting facilities. Your voice is absolutely necessary if we are going to be successful in convincing management and BoG that enough is enough!

Get along to the meeting and make your opinions known. You don’t necessarily need to stand up and make an eloquent speech – often applause or the lack of it is enough to let people know what you think. And with elections coming up, that might just be enough to scare some people into taking action.

TAC Townhall Meeting Oct 27th

You may have very good reason.

In late spring, the club’s membership rejected an additional dues
assessment to members. If you are among the many who had concerns then
about our club’s financial future, you are probably wondering what
happened since then. You might even feel that an update on the situation
is overdue.

You might

-be among the many who are frustrated by the lack of transparency and communication.

-have doubts about the viability of the whole thing.

-just be curious if anything productive has been accomplished in the past few months.

You might even wonder if there is any real willingness to change in the face of a
dramatically changed external environment.
Now is your chance to find out:
Townhall meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 27
18:30, TAC 3rd floor banquet rooms

You will hear what changes have been implemented, what other changes are
being considered, and you will have a chance to make your voice heard.
Come and assess for yourself where things stand, see if YOU think it’s
enough, or if more needs to be done.

We want to see an American Club that is around for generations to come.

See you there!


Making A Better TAC Team (MABT)

Ecstasy and Agony By Terry White

I think it’s fair to say that many of us on TWG2 have found the experience both fascinating and – at the same time- frustrating. While almost everyone — Board, member and management included — individually recognize that we need to change the way the way we operate, there seems to be great difficulty actually doing it. Ironically, transformation is dependent on those dysfunctional mechanisms we seek to reform. It will be important going forward for all members to stay actively involved and to keep up the pressure for reform. The potential for backsliding once the short term financial pain is deferred remains a clear possibility.

We recently spoke to the Board about the twin missions driving TWG2 – the need for short-term measures to address the DSCR concerns, and longer-term actions to address the root causes of the Club’s tightened circumstances.

Short-Term Measures: We explained that we believe that it is possible to remove considerable expense from the Club’s operations without impacting services to members. Working closely with the Finance Committee, we are confident that we can recommend a budget that meets the current situation realistically and head-on. We have also recommended some changes to the management structure that help deliver on the four strategic issues below.
Strategic Issues: At the same time, we’ve pointed out that there are four key issues that need to be addressed to effect the transformation that will ensure our long-term success:

1. First, we believe there is a fundamental problem with the governance of the Club. Mostly, that’s our fault as members … but we have to put in place an effective and active governance structure that determines the strategic objectives of the Club and helps oversee management in the delivery of those objectives. It’s great to see that the BoG agrees with this perspective and has launched a Governance Committee charged with making changes.
2. Second, and a necessary consequence of the first, is the need to develop a strategic plan that gives clear direction on what’s important to the club as a corporate entity and the aspirations and expectations of its members. 3. The third plank follows the second – a need for a clear understanding of the Club’s brandand the mechanisms to market that brand among the existing and prospective membership. The Membership Committee is potentially going to take this challenge on board with pro bono help from members who are professionals in this area.
4. The final element is transparency and accountability mechanisms, reviewed regularly by the board andreported to the members. A performance dashboard comes to mind, and we’ve made some suggestions about what this might look like.

These four challenges make for much more difficult conversations: many people have opinions on each of these issues and the unfortunate result can be that the status quo emerges as a compromise. That’s the frustrating part.

To be sure, measurable progress has been made to date. Not least, management has been given more and tighter guidance by the board in the budgeting process. Budgeting to lose a major portion of our remaining equity and basking in self-satisfaction when we lose a lesser amount is now, hopefully, a thing of the past. Executive compensation is in the cross-hairs and governance per-se is finally attracting a measure of attention.

I’d love to get feedback and comments … all reasonable opinions sought and welcomed!