Is It It True? CNN and Golf Channel Costs Us 5M JPY Annually

The controversial American news channel is not exactly the beacon of truth in the news the last few years. Many members grew up with CNN as good source of business news. However, in the earthquakes of 2011, many saw their motivations to sensationalize the truth. In 2011, CNN’s Anderson Cooper tried to get TAC members and business leaders to say, “people are dying in the streets in Tokyo” to make a more dramatic story. Of course it was not true, and those members threw CNN and Anderson out.

CNN has continued to decline in quality as well as viewership numbers. Members report, the Club pays somewhere around 5M JPY per year to pipe this channel as well as the Golf channel into our club.

As we need to be good managers of our money, it’s time to cancel CNN and use that 5M yen (or whatever the amount is) for something that benefits the members. Any suggestions for where to use that budget for helpful business news or maybe even something else?

Time to cancel CNN at Tokyo American Club.

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