Around The TAC- TAC General Manager Contract Renewed

One of the MABT has confirmed that the contract for the General Manager has just been renewed.  This was done by the Board of Governors.  He continues to draw his high salary that has been the subject of much frustration among the membership despite the economic difficulties of the TAC.

Further, the Food & Beverage manager has tendered his resignation and will be leaving the Tokyo American Club in coming weeks.  The Assistant General Manager is now looking after F&B.

3 Replies to “Around The TAC- TAC General Manager Contract Renewed”

  1. Are you serious? From yesterday’s post we can see that Lance Lee is responsible for this renewal. Is this absolutely true?

    Did he bother to talk to any member he supposedly represents??


  2. Are we serious !

    We pay the ultimate fence-sitter 35 million yen of the club’s….of OUR….hard earned yen to deliver what ?mediocrity ????

    Time to cut out the rot.

  3. It is only a Yen 35m package. Surely most of the membership would be making at least double that in this buoyant labor market.

    Incidentally he is not the highest paid in the current management group.

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