Members have received a slate of candidates for the board that was approved by the Representative Governor (another member posts about the nomination process here). Judging from the list, many are ‘status quo’ or of the persuasion that think they know better than most of members. Concerning.
Our Members Union is strongly against the attempts by the current Representative Governor and board to push members into voting “YES” on a loan that they have yet to clearly explain. (Despite repeated requests from many members). We recommend that you VOTE NO on the club line or credit or loan without a concise explanation. Nor do we want the same leaders to continue what has been done in 2020.
The current slate is mostly ‘STATUS QUO’ candidates. With the many TAC missteps of 2020, other members have encouraged competent members to get their names on the ballot.
In order to get your name on the Board of Governors voting ballot, you are required to get signatures from 30 voting members (non-voting members are not counted). You must have also been an active voting member. If you have questions about the process please contact our Assistant General Manager who oversees the process.
SUPPORT The Can DO Candidates
Also, if a member that you know with a CAN DO attitude asks you for a signature to get on the slate, please support them. Remember they have to do it THIRTY times!
We want to see the status quo candidates step aside, as the club needs some CAN DO men and women in member leadership.
Vote CAN DO!
Stay Tuned for our Making A Better TAC Voters Guide