What Are Your Thoughts On A Vote About Raising Dues?

Extraordinary General Meeting: April 28

Dear Member,

At the Board of Governors’ meeting on April 6, the Board approved the convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for April 28.As we detailed at last month’s town hall, the effects of the ongoing pandemic on Club finances have been deep. But this period has provided us with an opportunity to examine a number of issues and to create a plan to place the Club on a fiscally sustainable footing.This plan addresses both our urgent, short-term challenges and longer-term cash requirements in a balanced and equitable manner, sharing the responsibility amongst all Club stakeholders.

At this EGM, we are asking Members to vote on a Board-endorsed proposal with two components:

• To increase monthly membership dues, fees for vacant Company memberships and Life membership daily fees, and to enable up to 500 Members to prepay three years of monthly membership dues and biannual seasonal assessments at their current rate in advance of the proposed dues increase.

• To establish a monthly building maintenance assessment and to eliminate the biannual seasonal assessment by incorporating it equally into 12 months of monthly dues.

We will be providing full details on the proposal above in the coming days. Before the EGM, Club leaders will host a Q&A on Club finances and the proposal to be voted on. Additionally,

I am available to answer any related questions and can be reached at @tac-club.org.

EGM Timeline • April 12 (6pm): Club Finances Q&A•

April 13 (12pm): Online voting registration deadline •

April 13 (evening): Advance online voting opens•

April 21 (10pm): Voting registration deadline•

April 27 (10pm): Advance voting closes•

April 28 (6:30pm): Extraordinary General Meeting

If you are not registered as a Voting Member, I urge you to do so in the next few days. You can find details on how to register on the Club website.

The landmark launch of Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi last week demonstrates what can be achieved even during such challenging times. While our community is well positioned to bounce back from the impact of the pandemic, the strength of our recovery depends upon our collaborative ability to establish a firm financial foundation for the future.

Thank you for your continued support.

Michael Benner Representative Governor Tokyo American Club

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