I’m very appreciative of all the time the volunteer board is putting into ‘keeping us safe’ at the TAC recently. However, over the last few months, the same question keeps coming to my mind..
We have two board members who seem to be making all the decisions. The rest of the board has relegated decisions to them from what I heard in the last general meeting (I was remote so maybe I missed something). The member decision makers are- one entrepreneur with an office nearby in the tech business, and the other is a former sales manager at a mobile phone company who is mostly working from the TAC in his independent consulting business. Both guys are volunteering and not from the hospitality business.
Although, I am no longer in hospitality, as a former hotel guy, I wonder;
Why don’t we let the experienced hospitality guys that we hired to run the club, RUN THE CLUB?
Getting experienced people in charge of competently reopening the club, managing the necessary (actual) staffing, and deciding on venues to open and close under the looser guidance of the board of volunteer member-leaders would likely be much more effective.
My opinion, let’s give our GM and team a chance to run the business!
The club is chartered to be run by the members. The management is “hired” by the members through the Board of Governors to execute the operational aspects of the club. Said that, I agree that the board should listen to the management (assuming they are truly professionals of the hospitality management) to run the club to the best of the members’ overall needs (not only of the ones who are vocal). The board has responsibility to oversee and ensure that the management is truly acting professionally.