TAC Elections: Break out the Moet!

What’s that faint popping sound we hear? Some say it’s the champagne corks going off … the rumor is that Dan Thomas has NOT been re-elected, and that there are “new faces” on the BoG. Well done, MABT-ers!

Unfortunately, if you’re a Facebook user you have probably already seen the premature announcement from one of the presidential candidates whose name is not Rod. Still, it could be worse … it could have been a tie!

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the Party; so keep the pressure up to make sure the TWG2 and FinComm recommendations are turned into reality. Tally ho!

President’s Insight: We’re having a garage sale!

Was anyone else amazed by Lance’s recent “President’s Insight”? At a time when there’s serious debate about the Club’s future – and when there’s an election around the corner – his “insight” was that we’re selling the curtains!

In our view, Lance should be pushing for change, encouraging debate and answering members’ questions … like how come it’s going to cost an additional 3% to pay by cash. Not acting as the messenger for any and all activities that can be painted as neutral.

By trivializing the communication channel with members and refusing to deal with the real issues (like 3%, Lance!), Lance does himself and the members a disservice and cedes effective leadership to management and staff.

How about some real insights?

TAC Elections: President: Recommendations

Here at MABT, we’ve been poring over the candidate data trying to figure who deserves your vote this time around. We’re still trying to figure out how to insert a poll in here to get your feedback – in the meantime, hit us with your comments!

We will be asking all candidates to respond to a survey on their views on the key issues. Stay tuned!

[Naturally, all the opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views of TAC or (obviously) the candidates!.]

Here’s our quick take on El Presidente:

Nominee:Lance LeeRod Nussbaum

No way!

Yes way!

Principal says …Doesn’t play well with other boys.New to the school. Still making friends.
Wagtail Comment:Sorry, Lance, but you signed the new GM contract. That’s got people angry. And if you sup with The Devil, you have to accept that sometimes the chalice is poisoned.And that 3% charge on cash payments … Say goodnight, Dick!.The gossip says Rod is closely connected tied to the status quo. Even so, his policy statement hits the right buttons in terms of the key issues: strategy, governance, and transparency.Still, the proof will be in the pudding!
One-Liner:Problem with Lance is it’s always someone else’s fault.A vote for Rod at least gives the Club a chance.

Summary Of TAC Townhall Meeting 27 Oct 2010

As the management of the American Club has apparently managed the TAC to the brink of financial failure, a group of 4 TAC members teamed up with 4 TAC board of governors.  This group was named ‘The Working Group 2” or TWG2.

This TWG2 presented their recommendations for how to fix the problems of the TAC.  They were very candid about what needed to be done.  Following their presentation, when asked if they “were confident that their recommended changes would be implemented?”.   the group unanimously responded “No”.  They responded on how getting information was slow and painful at TAC.

It was apparent to all present that there was a split between TWG2’s recommendations and some members on the board.  Although the positions of all the BoG (board of governors) was unclear, one board member made clear that he was against their recommendations in several instances.  In one case, he responded that the loan could not be renegotiated.  When asked by another member, he revealed that he was the one who negotiated the loan at 4 plus % interest for the club but did not clarify why he was unwilling to renegotiate and his position varied from that of the 4 TWG2 members.

The overall conclusion was that the problem of the club is not just an inept general manager playing the committee and board system, but also some individuals on the board of governors.  There are definitely some good people there, but there are also some people that need to move on.

A recommendation was made, and accepted by the President, to have a further meeting for the Board of Governor candidates to debate or state their positions as being for change or of the group that would continue the status quo and continue to block change and not make the changes necessary.

An American Chamber of Commerce (ACCJ) board member asked the General Manager if he paid for the development of yet another new TAC site that was described earlier in the meeting.  With a bit of stumbling around saying something about a ‘backend’ the GM confirmed that he did use budget to develop a new website.  The member went on to explain that the TAC must shift their thinking.  “The paradigm must change” he stated.  He illustrated his points by explaining how at ACCJ he paid nothing for web development, the chamber magazine, the upkeep of the website or virtually anything else.  This comment was a brilliant illustration that TAC needs people with fresh minds.

Although we have not covered all the questions and comments of the membership in this summary,  the conclusion we made from all that we need to rid the club of blockers on the board of governors and elect people who are willing to implement the changes.  One BoG member (mentioned above) seemed to indict himself at the meeting as being against change later on multiple points.  Later arguing with the TWG2 members about providing information that the 4 clearly stated they had not received.  The positions of the other BOG members and BOG candidates for the upcoming election remains unclear at this point.

The great work of the 4 board of governors and the TWG2 made it known that their work must be implemented otherwise we will have to continue “these

If you have any comments or would like to add any further points, please feel free to do so in the comment section below.  We will edit this summary accordingly to incorporate your comments.

Stay tuned!

TAC Email from President Lance Lee

—– Original Message —–
From: “Lance Lee” <@tac-club.org>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:21:02 AM GMT +09:00 Japan
Subject: President’s TWG Update
Dear Members,
On behalf of the Board of Governors, I would like to thank all members who voted on the recent proposal for a special assessment, as well as those who took the time to attend and share their concerns in the Special General Meeting (SGM) on June seventh . We on the Board are committed to addressing all concerns expressed with dispatch. At the same time, we are looking forward to an increasing number of members becoming actively involved as we work towards our shared vision — superior member service and satisfaction with sound financial management.
In this spirit, the Board passed Resolution #3649 which creates a team to spearhead action plans in resolving many difficult issues raised at the SGM giving top priority to the financial issues. This new nine-member team is returning to the work of the original “Transition Working Group” (TWG) established in 2009 to analyze and plan an optimal strategy for ensuring earnings before income tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) in conformance with the debt-service coverage ratio (DSCR) called for in our loan covenants. The members of the TWG include four members of the Board of Governors (BoG) and five non-Board members. The TWG Chair is Mr. Dieter Haberl who is not on the BoG and the vice-Chair is Ms. Barbara Hancock who as Women’s Group President has Board status. The other Governors on this reconstituted TWG are Mr. Brian Nelson, Mr. Dan Stakoe, and Mr. Per Knudsen; the other non-Governor members are Mr. James Ashley, Mr. Bryan Gould, Mr. Takashi Maruyama, and Mr. Terry White.
The full text of Resolution #3649 will be found on the TAC web site.
The Board further resolved to thank the original members of the TWG for their intensive efforts to date.
Members will be regularly apprised of the work of our reconstituted TWG and we hope they may have your support as they progress in their complex undertaking.
Lance E. Lee

All Members Email

—– Original Message —–
From: “Better TAC Team” <editors@wordpress-644826-2102161.cloudwaysapps.com>
To: “Tac_members” <tac_members@wordpress-644826-2102161.cloudwaysapps.com>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 7:19:51 PM GMT +09:00 Japan
Subject:  Making A Better TAC (MABT)- Need Your Feedback
Dear Fellow TAC Members,
With the push for a “Yes” vote on increasing costs to TAC members by the current leadership, the vast majority of the TAC membership has risen up in alarm. This was evident in the three town hall meetings and materialized in the vote result.
Although not organized at the time, a number of us were able to get an email out to demonstrate how a “Yes” vote was the wrong decision (posted on the website). If you were one of the members in the packed room on 7 June, you will know that people were very concerned about what is going on with the Board of Governors (BOG) and especially with the management of the club.
We have amazing people in retail, IT, operations, hospitality, entertainment, finance, marketing, and many other areas that can help the club keep the glow that it has had and blossom as it goes back into these amazing new facilities in a few months time.
Our goal is to better involve our membership as we have found out few things about TAC that concern us.
  • -TAC does the majority of work house and outsources little to keep costs competitive
  • -The average salary for the top 10 managers at TAC in 2009 was XX million yen according to the website. Quick marketing checks would have this as 40% above market rates in Japan.
  • -Apparent over-staffing in certain areas of the Club
  • -There seems to be no check or balance on the management we employ
Democracy has spoken and the Board of Governors is listening after your “No” vote. The group of members that has been working towards fixing and helping the club has become known as Making A Better TAC (MABT). We have a website with close to 100 visitors each day since we set it up earlier this month. Clearly all members that want accountability and transparency are a part of MABT.
Five of initial MABT membership will begin work with the BOG shortly to help better represent the membership on the whole. The rest of our growing group will be monitoring the status. We will use the website to collaborate with each other.
We will remain a voice of the membership and independent from both the management and the BOG. Let’s all stand together to continue our momentum. The site can use more ideas from you of how
  1. To Reduce Cost
  2. Generate More Revenue
  3. Improve the Tokyo American Club overall
Please check out the site and comment in the appropriate section so that we can open the lines of communication and make everything clear.
We are looking forward to working together to make an even better TAC.
Making A Better TAC (MABT)
PS. Please feel free to change, remove or add your email to this list by following the links below. We apologize that this email address is not monitored, but encourage everyone to communicate via the website. (There is a link on the top page of the website for the mailing list as well).
Tac_members mailing list

TAC Membership “Assessment Vote” Meeting Report

TAC Meeting Summary-

In the 7 June meeting, there was an attendance of about 150 (need to verify) members as well as the Board of Governors.  The BOG’s intension was apparently to announce the result for the vote and the new membership types.  The members made it very clear that they needed more information and more transparency to help the club.  The large turn-out seemed to reinforce that.  Some points of interest were-

  1. The majority of the membership would like to see the operations of the club bid out to multiple hospitality vendors.  These areas would include food & beverage, IT, operations, maintenance, and any other area were more cost efficiency and higher service levels could be attained.
  2. Many questioned the interest rates at which the club borrowed money.  These rates were reported at 4.5%.  Many feel that with the size of the loan and the location in Japan, this should be renegotiated and closer to 1%.  Some finance experts volunteered to help.
  3. One member stated that they left the board mid-term because Board of Governors exercised no leadership or power over club management saying, “We leave those decisions of running the club to the management as they are the professionals.”
  4. Due to the location and venue, many agreed that the club was not acceptable or convenient for entertaining clients.
  5. There was a comment that the club pricing was too high and not competitive with plethora of great restaurants around Tokyo and we needed to be competitive.
  6. It was suggested that members should be engaged more directly for their core-competencies.  Finance for loans, HR for dealing with salaries and right sizing of employees.
  7. One member calculated that the top management of the club makes 14-15 million yen salaries annually.
  8. There was a suggestion that the General Manager be replaced ASAP as he has not managed TAC resources well.  Many voiced agreement for this.
  9. There was a request for a financial report on the club to be drafted in a clear and concise fashion to share with all members of the club.
  10. A request for a full-disclosure of manager salaries and benefits was made again as was requested at the Townhall meetings.
  11. It was exposed that when the TAC clubhouse was demolished, so was it’s status as a non-profit organization.
  12. One member suggested that the TAC do more things to embed itself better into the community.  She related how YCAC had many activities and did not charge extra for every little thing as TAC does.
  13. It was revealed that the Club is losing about $7-8M USD annually.
  14. For the new club, members volunteered to donate equipment, web services, financial advice, HR consulting, marketing advice, IT outsourcing insights,
  15. There was a request to explain how the governance of the club was executed.  The president described the committee and board of governor system.
  16. There was a clear overall displeasure with the General Manager and suggestions that he be replaced.
  17. In the closing minutes someone said that with the heavy debt burden the club could no longer be run like a non-profit but had to be run like a business.

The additional “assessment” was rejected by the membership by a margin of about 30 votes.

Although this has been reviewed, please let us know if we missed any points from the meeting in the comment section below.

Broken Promises & Fear Tactics: Member Response To June 1 TAC Board Email

From: Jerry McAlinn
To: Lance Lee <president@tac-club.org>
Cc: TAC Members
Sent: Fri Jun 04 23:01:00 2010
Subject: Some Decorum Please!

To the Signatories of the June 1st  TAC President’s email sent to all Members (please forward to the signatories and any interested members):

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very disappointed that you would resort to what appears to be a last minute, underhanded tactic in support of the ill-conceived proposal to assess members to pay for the new Club. I believe members will see the reference to a “reduction in service and the imposition of an array of fees” if the proposal is rejected for what it is, namely, a desperate ploy to scare members away from voting NO. If it is a case of “reality” as one Board member told me then I ask a simple question. Why weren’t members given the choices at the outset and why was this email sent only after the overwhelmingly negative response from members at the Town Hall Meetings and the email rebuttals from a group of concerned members?
As most of you know, I have been adamantly opposed to the assessment from the outset. My opposition was based on two important points. First, we promised members we would not increase dues or make a building assessment to pay for the redevelopment project.* Second, we promised that we would use our time at Takanawa to bring our costs in line with our income so we could comfortably pay our loan.

The proposed assessment breaks the first promise even before the doors are open at Azabudai. Why would any sensible member have confidence that the assessment will be temporary in light of the Board’s disregard for its own word? Does anyone besides me remember the famous John F. Kennedy quote: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” I bet many of our members will remember it.

As the chair of the LRPC during the period when the redevelopment project was approved, I can say without fear of contradiction that we used the first promise, rightly or wrongly, to gain support for the redevelopment project and I do not doubt that many members would not have supported the project had we not done so. We made the promise intentionally, we knew what we were doing, and we should be honoring it, not tossing it aside as if our word does not matter.

As to the second promise, we have done precious little in my view to show the members that we have the will and the ability to achieve the cost reductions that are necessary before demanding more money from members to avoid a “crisis.” I have not spoken to a single member who believes what the Board has said in this regard. Credibility is a precious commodity that should not be squandered. How can there be any credibility to the Board’s position in light of the numbers, which speak volumes. Our payroll at the end of the last fiscal year stood at approximately 1.85 billion yen against operating revenue that is substantially less than 1 billion yen and falling. These figures are grossly out of line with the PKF recommendation, adopted by the Board, to keep payroll at no more than 60% of revenue, exclusive of entrance fees.

Furthermore, claiming a 26% decrease in proposed “increases” to payroll at the new Club as a cost reduction is like telling members “don’t worry we are drinking Krug champagne instead of Dom Perignon!” Asserting that there has been a hiring freeze in place since April of 2009, when a new expat was hired recently for the Rec Desk (whom I am told is in charge of “Merchandise”), makes me shake my head in bewilderment! You have to be sitting on the other side of the table to understand how absurd these arguments sound to anyone who is even remotely paying attention.

You are correct that whether or not the assessment passes will be up to the membership. I have already voted NO and I have privately urged friends to do the same for the above and many other additional reasons. I strongly believe the proposal deserves to be defeated soundly on the merits so that sound financial management can be restored to the Club.

The Board presented its position and the members reacted to it at the Town Hall Meetings. Had it been left at that I would not be writing this email. However, when you sent an email blast (using the Club mailing list) to all members threatening them with “cuts to service and new or additional fees for existing activities such as parking, recreation, and food and beverage…” I think you stepped over the line of fairness and decorum. It is a sad day to see the Club sink to such depths just to win a vote. Do you have so little confidence in the merit of your arguments that you did not believe you could win without throwing in some last minute fear? This kind of tactic does immeasurable damage to the democratic spirit of the Club. Regardless of how the referendum turns out, it will be years before these self-inflicted wounds are healed and that is a pity.


Jerry McAlinn

*Here is the relevant language from the Redevelopment Project Brochure:

“Financial analysis, endorsed by the Club’s Finance Committee, shows the redevelopment project to be affordable without the need to increase Club dues.” Page 5, Summary Section


“The Board and management believe that the redevelopment project, as currently conceived, can be implemented without having to increase dues on existing and new Members….

“Moreover, no building assessment, dues increase applicable to existing Members, or mandatory bond issue is anticipated, or included in the financial forecasts. The Board has considered a number of contingency options to deal with a deterioration in the financial condition of the Club resulting from either unforeseen factors in the redevelopment process or from factors unrelated to the redevelopment. The Board believes that multiple options exist for cutting expenses or raising revenue to deal with such a situation without the need for a dues increase on existing Members, and without endangering the fiscal stability of the Club.” Page 16, Section on Entrance Fees and Dues

Membership Feedback Is Flowing In

Dear TAC Fellow Members,

We just opened and kicked off this website yesterday (4 June).  Already we are seeing there is widespread shared concern around the issues that we have raised.

Letters and email have been going to board of governors from May. You can see those originals below (here and here).  There are some excellent suggestions that should be discussed.

These messages have gone unanswered by our board.  Members at the Friday evening Townhall (14 May) also commented that they had not received responses to their written suggestions or questions.

Why is there such a push to vote without taking advantage of the time to assure we fix the TAC financial management trouble?

If you have also sent a suggestion to the Board and would like to have that posted, please add it as a comment of this post and we will add it as a separate post on MABT site here.  We would like to hear your ideas.

To a better Tokyo American Club!

The MABT Team

Mr. President, Have We Evaluated The Options?

Letter to Tac President  1 May 2010

Author : Rike Wootten

Dear Editor,
This is a letter that I sent to Lance Lee on May 21.

Dear Lance,

I am writing this note today as a concerned member of the Tokyo American Club.

The recent referendum that is now in front of the general membership for vote is a concern.  TAC is facing a serious financial situation, and we are being presented with a proposal to increase fees in a very difficult economic environment.  Few, if any of our members, are experts in the management of a club such as TAC, yet we are being put in the position as owners of the club to make decisions as if we are.  I would like to suggest that we postpone the referendum that is scheduled until such as time as the following idea can be complete.  It should not take longer than a few months, allowing the referendum to be completed well before the move to the new club, if ultimately we need it at all.

The Tokyo American Club should issue a Request for Proposal from hotel or club management companies, such as Hilton, Hyatt and Marriott that would cover managing the entire operations of our club.  Our day to day operations are similar to that of a first class hotel, outside of room management.  Restaurants, sports facilities, bars, concierge etc., are all similar to that found in hotels.  By doing so, we should expect the following benefits to occur:

a)  Better purchasing power as the groups have multiple operations in Japan
b)  Lower operating costs as we have the ability to leverage centralized management that these chains would offer
b)  Confirmation that our club is being managed at competitive international standard prices
c)  Knowledge that TAC is keeping with international trends

Naturally if our current club managements cost are competitive, we do not need to go beyond soliciting bids.  Whereas it may be disruptive to existing staff to do this type of RFP, it should not be a major concern if TAC is being run as efficiently as possible.   Also if any management company were to replace our existing management, they would need to keep the vast majority of staff in any event.   I would suggest that this RFP be done every several years to confirm that TAC is getting the best value from providers, and that it provides members with transparency over the club operation.  To my knowledge, most major hotel contracts run between 5 and 20 years.

I am also aware that there has been concern that management salaries are above the industry norm.  I do not believe it is appropriate to have complete transparency over salaries, but would suggest that we hire a firm such as McLagan Associates that specialize in compensation.  They should be in a position to advise if our compensation packages are competitive with those in similar positions/industries.

I am and have been very satisfied with TAC over the years.  But the times ahead are likely to be difficult ones, and we should ensure that we are always getting the best value we can for our members.  It is not the time to raise fees until all avenues have been exhausted.


Rike Wootten
Member since 1995