TAC Elections: Break out the Moet!

What’s that faint popping sound we hear? Some say it’s the champagne corks going off … the rumor is that Dan Thomas has NOT been re-elected, and that there are “new faces” on the BoG. Well done, MABT-ers!

Unfortunately, if you’re a Facebook user you have probably already seen the premature announcement from one of the presidential candidates whose name is not Rod. Still, it could be worse … it could have been a tie!

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the Party; so keep the pressure up to make sure the TWG2 and FinComm recommendations are turned into reality. Tally ho!

Election Results

Well, we hoped our suggestions helped you with the elections.  We will post the results here on the MABT site as soon as they are announced.

Coming soon..

An Inside Job? TAC Members Speak Out

Dear TAC Member,
There is a new movie called “Inside Job” that is a must see  It details the root causes of the global financial crisis; the heist by Wall Street with the compliance of government.
An analogy can be seen at TAC where over the past 25 years, members have seen a devaluation of their memberships as management and the BOG orchestrated a reversal of roles whereby members now serve the interests of management. This has resulted in the top 10 executive staff`s (staggering) average compensation p.a. at Y28 million ( $350 thousand) and the average full time staff salary over Y8 million ($100+thousand). Over staffing and not outsourcing have added to the debacle.
New TAC is the final countdown as to whether the greed, bad decisions, the  heisting (TAC-jack) will survive. A complacent/transient membership has provided the culture for these excesses. The enemy does lie within. It is an Inside Job. It is us.
TAC`s budget for 2011 shows little change in payroll — Y1.8 bn.($22+million) that is 77% of operating revenue ( industry norm between 40% to 50%). At TAC in 1983 it was 52%.
TAC`s F&B Cost of Goods (COGs) is budgeted at 27% next year, an unscrupulous mark-up of just under 4 times cost ( marketplace norm about 33% to 35%). TAC in 1983 was 41% a 2.5 times mark-up. And sales were higher in 1983 than the 2011 budget and with 2600 members versus a plan of 3600. 1983 per member sales Y488 thousand; 2011 plan about Y280,000, a 41% decline without adjusting for inflationary price increases. Over the past 15 years TAC has experienced plummeting F&B sales per member. Perhaps the COGs data tell why.
TAC is a simple business to run. A captive membership pays entrance fees and dues accounting for 60% of its revenue. In 1983 it was 45% when it delivered value to members. Entrance fees are not part of operating revenue and are meant to be reserved for renovation and rebuilding. In the past 25 years these amounted to over Y200 oku ($250 million) most of which went to payroll. Voila.
A recent announcement by TAC is to charge members a 3% service charge from January if they pay by cash or credit card. No charge for bank debit. TAC should have a credit card(s) rate of about 1% (maybe less) but has one of about 3% due to lack of common business sense. This is another shining example of how members are not getting value for their money by a management focused on its own perks to the detriment of  members who are its employers. Members should reject any service charge.
The Y11bn. ($130+ million) 4% interest loan is a dead weight around the neck of TAC. After paying the 25 year loan to term there is still a principal of almost Y9bn. (over $100 million) to pay. The 1% amortization makes it almost an interest only loan. Extremely imprudent and potentially fatal. Members should demand that all of the entrance fees be used to accelerate the principal repayment which would be 4% annual amortization, not the 1% planned. This would force payroll cuts and encourage outsourcing.
The “Inside Job” movie shows Wall Street hasn`t changed that much. What about TAC? Will the Inside Job, TAC-jack, muddle through and carry on regardless? Or will the invisable hand of the marketplace win in 2011 and render it the equivalent of the Tokyo Banana Republic Club? A hint — to date your BOG battling average is just about zero.
Members voted down the dues levy in June and are outraged by the executive salaries, F&B prices, and the enormous (coup de TAC) loan. In a show of defiance, your tax and spend BOG renewed the GMs contract in September and passed a 2011 budget with no significant cuts. The financial accounts show that the Club has negative equity. You should Vote against the 2011 Budget and the BOG that approved it. God save the member.
Signed: Greg Carley (TAC President 1994-1998) Geoffrey Walker, Paulo Maques

TAC Elections: US Citizens: Recommendations

It’s time to turn our attention to the US Citizen candidates … now comes the fun!

[Naturally, all the opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views of TAC or (obviously) the candidates! There is no intent to offend.]

Here’s our quick take on people you should consider voting for:

Nominee:Greg LyonsBrian NelsonCharles Rees

Yeah, baby!

Yeah, baby!

Yeah, baby!

Principal says …Works hard in class, and contributes well to extra-curricular activities.Brian takes unconventional approaches, but gets above-average results.Charles is a quiet boy, with much to commend him.
Wagtail Comment:Greg has been impressive on the Finance Committee, and is a strong advocate of change. Seems to get the need for strategy as well. Not afraid to stand up to the bullies or the power structure.
That’s good enough for us! 
Brian was a member of TWG1 and TWG2, and is all about getting change at our Club. Knows what the issues are, and is a contributor rather than an observer. Brian follows through on commitments, and doesn’t play politics. Sounds like the ideal candidate!We’re told Charles has been a go-to person on the Finance Committee, and as a former controller he should know where the bodies are buried. A good thing, … maybe … we think … perhaps.
Charles: What do you think now that you’ve kicked the tyres?
One-Liner:Power to the people!As Hawaiian as Barack Obama!Go for it Charles!