Thanks to everyone for your tireless effort to fully reopen the club in a safe, financially sound way. Our group has been discussing the current situation. The club is a politically charged environment with people on various ends of the spectrum. From those overly concerned for their health to accomplished business professionals who ask, “show me the numbers”. We must filter out the negative and focus on the positive. Putting it in perspective, one medical firm TAC Member CEO said yesterday, “If you are young and healthy, you have better chance of dying by lightning strike in Japan.”. Thankfully we don’t know anyone struck by lighting.
The board has been transparent with the financial side. The key now, as responsible members with business acumen, is come up with creative ideas to support our leadership act in a way that will bring longevity to the club. Also, we must remember that the board are volunteers, putting a lot of time and effort into navigating the club.
Let’s put our ideas together and bring our club to the next level. Please be sure to respond to the survey.
Thanks everyone for your various posts, comments, and ideas. This is a members site. We are what powers our cool club.
-All the best,
Spencer Wolfe